Not depending on a customer, a product or a market was the objective that we set out to achieve in 2007 when we designed the strategy that Olisipo has been implementing in recent years.
José Serra, CEO
In 2014, these words contextualized the reality of Olisipo’s business. The 20 years of the company were celebrated and the path of the last years was marked: Olisipo had grown, diversified its business, invested in the quality of services, in the excellence of the team, in innovation, and had encouraged the creation of more than a dozen new companies with their own offers, visions and leadership. We were at the genesis of what is today Olisipo Way.
A birthplace of startups
The seeds of growth, innovation and internationalization that characterized the Olisipo ecosystem, so often called Olisipo Group, began to be launched.
The desire to have a business incubator, expressed among the strategic lines defined in 2007, naturally began to bear fruit and Olisipo’s arms began to receive several business projects. And they started to arrive in various ways and moved by very different objectives.
If the first wave of projects came from experienced employees with business ideas and an entrepreneurial spirit, quickly elements external to Olisipo also began to be attracted by this ecosystem and to propose the realization, together, of new companies and projects.
Situations in which people came to us, some with project ideas and the ability to implement them and others just with the idea, but in need of someone to help them implement it.
José Serra
Olisipo Way: the consolidation of an innovation project

In less than a decade, “Olisipo Group” has grown and already involved around 20 companies, with a universe of around 550 employees.
In 2015, a natural step was taken towards consolidating this ecosystem, a community of companies so close but at the same time so autonomous.
With the birth of Olisipo Way, all the companies in which this company holds share capital are included, under a single entity, including Olisipo, the oldest and most solid company in this group and which has been the pivotal company of the entire ecosystem.
Olisipo Way is an Early Stage Venture Firm. As the name implies, the investment is focused on projects and startups at an early stage, just as it happened in Olisipo’s innovative genesis. But more than merely financial investments, the objective continues to be to help these companies to grow, with a hands-on operational logic in all projects and with a team and structure dedicated to supporting all administrative, financial, human resources, marketing and sales needs.
Olisipo Way invests in projects that can make a difference in the area of Information Technologies, applied to the most varied businesses and sectors.
Creating a company is a difficult process. Every day there are complicated decisions to make and resilience is mandatory. Being flexible is a priority. But this is often not enough.
The community of Olisipo Way involves founders, managers and specialists and has a unique methodology to advise and help any entrepreneur. Nothing better than hearing the difference through the mouth of those who have gone through the experience:
Olisipo Way is a community. Entrepreneurs, innovators, creators and doers. Know the projects and faces of this great team. Being part of it just depends on you.